Sunday, June 26, 2022

Joy in Things Large and Small

 My youngest daughter told me the other day that my blogging hobby must have gone by the wayside because I haven't posted in quite awhile. My answer was that I had not had anything new to write about. This was obviously not true as she pointed out to me because since my last post I have welcomed into the world my beautiful new grandson! Still, I failed miserably at setting it all down in print to share until I received another prompt. 

I listen to several podcasts daily and also follow a daily Bible reading. It was during one of these that the message came across that our happiness is not dependent on those major events that seem so blogworthy but is supported for the most part by what seems the usual and mundane. Finding joy in the azaleas blooming in the spring, a quiet walk in the park, or rocking a newborn grandson are some of life's greatest treasures. I, for one, have been blessed with abundance. 

But back to the arrival of my newest grandson...

James Travis, or JT as he will be called, came into the world in early May this year. I was fortunate to be invited to participate in the c-section birth and was the first besides the doctor and nurses to hold him. He is a healthy, robust baby that brings so much delight to our family already. I believe great things are ahead of this little one!

 His arrival was greatly anticipated by everyone in the family. My daughter especially since she had previously tried to conceive for years and was unable. This little bundle of joy was a wonderful "accident" that appeared when we were all still grieving a loss. God truly knows how to move our hearts forward. He is named after his father and also the uncle he'll never get to know. I'm sure my son will be keeping an eye on this child and loving him as only an uncle in heaven can. 

JT is nearly 2 months old now. He has grown so much and each day brings a new development. As I noted earlier, it is our mundane, daily life that can seem so routine but can bring us so much happiness. Just the other day I received a video of JT because he had begun vocalizing his first sounds and I was thrilled beyond measure. Other times I am just holding him as he sleeps and he smiles and my heart nearly bursts with love and happiness. 

My other three grandchildren also add so much to my life and I know how truly blessed I am. Although they are growing up they still find time frequently to reach out to me in their own unique ways with moments I will always treasure. 

So even when I am not off on some new adventure I am finding so much to fill my retirement time that my house never gets really cleaned, my herbs get overgrown and full of weeds, and my blog posting doesn't get written as often as it should. But I think that is a good thing!

Backpacking the Porkies!

The Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, otherwise known as "the Porkies," lies on the southwestern shore of Lake Superior i...