Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A new beginning

I have finally made it to this day. Work is in the rearview mirror. While I have been looking forward to this day for a long time, I know that I will miss it. I have spent over 40 years working in healthcare with the last 12 years working as a nurse practitioner. I wish I could have gotten to that point earlier in my career as I found my greatest satisfaction during this last phase. I really enjoyed interacting with my patients and helping them find solutions for their problems and hope that I made a difference. I have had many wonderful, caring coworkers surrounding me that I will remember always. But the time was right to give it up. 

So now I'm asking myself what happens next. My head is filled with ideas, ambitions and goals. Where should I start? I've been making some small plans for traveling which includes some camping, living history events and visiting family. I have some bigger trips on my bucket list but I'm still waiting for international travel to open again. Sounds like I should be getting my plans for cleaning out the clutter taken care of first so I can feel free to take off when that time comes. The volunteer activities I enjoyed in the past were mostly on hold last year but are starting to get active again. And the time is right for beginning my garden work. I've decided not to tie myself down with a big vegetable garden this year to free up my time for other things. I still plan on growing my flowers, herbs and a few easy vegetables. Any time left is all for family. 

It's been nearly two weeks since my last day at work. Not a lot of difference yet but as I sat in my pajamas till late in the morning I asked my husband if this was how it was done. He smirked! Plans definitely need to be made so I have something to get dressed for. 

For our first adventure we will be traveling in our RV to the Red River Gorge area in the Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky. This region is known for natural sandstone arches, cliffs and waterfalls. I hope to get in a lot of hiking, explore the historical features and also have time to relax around a campfire. Watch for updates on this trip soon as we are traveling there now. 

There are other simple things I will be pursuing too. I recently purchased a new camera which I've been playing around with. It provides a good break from day to day cleaning and organizing plans as well as challenges my creativity. One of my dearest friends shares a love of photography and understands when I'm crouched over some wildflower trying to get just the right angle and light. We've made several trips close to home in the Shawnee National Forest. The trees are barely budded out but wildflowers are starting to make their appearance. On a return trip last weekend we happened to notice a sign for the peach blossom trail. The owner of the peach orchard encouraged anyone to come out and see the beauty. We got some great photos there too. Another lesson learned. You have to be in the right place at the right time sometimes to find small wonders. 

So I have made it to one end and ready for my new beginning. I anticipate what comes next and hope to share my pursuits here. 

Me and one of my dearest friends, Patty

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