Friday, May 15, 2020

Adjusting the Sails

Time changes us. Over the years I have thought many things made me happy. Always my family has been the biggest joy of my life. But after this what is it that makes me happy. At one time I enjoyed having a nice house, good job, new car, fashionable clothes - physical things. While I enjoyed having these things they weren't really anything to inspire true joy in my life. I remember during a troubled time in my life I was actually spending quite a bit of money on all these things and a friend pointed out to me that I must have a "hole in my soul" that I was trying to fill. She was probably right about that. And with that thought in mind I think I must be in a much better place now. No longer do I care about new clothes, the perfect house, or advancing in my job. I'm content with my car that is paid off, my house that is cluttered with things I love, a job that adequately pays the bills but allows time for life and also for good friends and family to share life with. 

Because of all the changes in the world this year many people are reflecting on their life and trying to figure things out. Like everyone else I've had time to reflect also. I realize that even though some of my plans have fallen through this year I'm still very fortunate. I didn't fully retire and begin traveling as I had planned but I've been able to reduce my work schedule to one that seems to fit my life right now. Our family is not without some struggles and difficulties and I will always worry for my children a little. But my family is all close and we love and enjoy each other which many people can't say. 

No, I won't be going to Ireland this year. Maybe not even the next. But I still have plans to look forward to. Everything is beginning to open and this is both scary and exciting. But I think if we exercise the right amount of caution we will be able to move forward with some plans. 

My first plan is something pretty simple. Over twenty years ago I enjoyed backpacking and hiking. Of course I now have many more aches and pains so it may not be the same experience I remember. But I'm going to give it a go again. My daughter and grand daughter have been gearing up to start backpacking and it sounded like so much fun that soon I found myself researching packs, sleeping bags, cooksets, etc. It's a very gear oriented hobby so just getting the basics is an investment. I've been watching for bargains and gradually adding gear until now I think I have what I need. So next weekend I'll take off with my daughter and grand daughter. Eighteen miles and one overnight stay to begin with. Hopefully this will go well and I can expand on time and distance in the future. 

After this I have some trips that were planned that fortunately haven't been cancelled. Next month I'll be heading to San Antonio for a girls getaway. I think we'll be fine if we just can sit and enjoy each other's company. I've been missing these girls. Then it's off to Mt. LeConte in the Smoky Mountains at the end of June. My daughter planned this trip for her birthday. We went there when she was a girl and she has been wanting to go back. It's a wonderful trip. After hiking up the mountain you can stay in one of the cabins, enjoy dinner and breakfast with the other campers, and see one of the most beautiful sunsets. No electric or plumbing but oh so much fun. There's a few other plans but I hate to get too far ahead of myself on planning anymore.  

The rest of the summer will hopefully be filled with what brings me the most joy - family time. The grand kids love coming to swim in the pool and are here every chance they get. We have a family cookout with the whole gang most Sunday afternoons. I also promised to spend more time golfing with both my husband and my grand daughter. I hope now that I'm working less that I can explore southern Illinois more. There are so many interesting places to visit that I haven't previously had the opportunity to check out. Several years ago I tried to revive family picnicking on the ground but that idea somehow got lost by the wayside. Maybe I'll try again this year. Throw in some hiking, backpacking, movies, lunches with friends and (hopefully) a local festival or two and it should be a glorious summer of fun. 

"I can't change the direction of the wind, 
but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."     
Jimmy Dean

Backpacking the Porkies!

The Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, otherwise known as "the Porkies," lies on the southwestern shore of Lake Superior i...