Friday, April 24, 2020

Spring Gardening and Blooms

Spring continues and my yard is starting to take on a different look. It was rainy and overcast today so not the best day for a long walk. During a respite from the drizzle I walked around my yard. I enjoy watching the awakening of my herb and flower beds and the bushes leafing out or blooming after being dormant through the winter. We have no trees to speak of. We tried planting some but the soil here is so poor nothing lives except right next to the house or in raised beds. I created my own landscaping plan and not being a professional landscaper the plants around our house are somewhat random. I tried choosing bushes for variety of color and texture and preferred those that were evergreen. I tucked in some perennial flowers and herbs where I could. Some of our bushes are looking rather poorly now thanks to my husbands aggressive pruning but I have to say they were overgrown and needed something. Now it may be replacement. 

I do have beautiful azaleas across the front of my porch. Thankfully they have grown very well where planted. I only had to replace two plants early on. I found a variety years ago of white azaleas that are evergreen. They bloom a little later than other azaleas in this area but they are absolutely beautiful when fully bloomed out. They aren't quite there yet but not much longer. The azaleas are off limits to any pruning. 

Azaleas peeking through my front porch rail

I have two types of clematis currently blooming. The pink blooms once a year and the purple will repeat blooming different times during the summer. I do nothing to them so it's a fantastic reward for only a little effort.

Some of my herbs bloom also. Comfrey bloomed early and still has some residual blooms right now. It will continue to bloom throughout the summer. I collect the comfrey leaves and dry them to make comfrey salve which is very good for the skin. Occasionally I lose my plant markers and can't recall what I planted so I have to do a little research to figure it out. 


Besides flowering plants I've been working at setting up some additional raised beds for more herbs and a few vegetables. Several years ago I had some raised beds in the yard where I found a level spot. My husband hated mowing around them so last year I pulled them up and purchased two galvanized fire rings from Rural King. They are 3 foot diameter and 12 inches tall so fairly ideal. They worked well for cherry tomatoes, squash and leeks last year so this year I've added 3 more. I tried finding a good location to keep my husband happy and finally found a good solution plus there's room to add more if needed.

I had a load of topsoil delivered to our yard for filling them along with a few other uses. I was really feeling my age last night after loading multiple wheelbarrow loads of soil and transferring to these new beds. Ouch, I hurt everywhere! But the satisfaction of finishing a job is worth it and I'm over the soreness today. I'm also thankful my daughter showed up as I was finishing filling the second and assisted with the third. Bless you Amy!

So far I've only planted some basil, oregano, rosemary and mint. Parsley, sage, chives, savory and thyme survived the winter and are doing well. I can't wait to make more herb salt when they are all growing well. I'll have to share how to do this later. Until then I'll pick what's available and dry for winter use. I have only planted some lettuce, onions and cayenne peppers in the vegetable category so far. I've got other seeds waiting now for my beds to dry out after this rain. I still have leeks that overwintered and I tried salsify last year. Salsify is an heirloom vegetable that is supposed to taste like oysters. There's a few unknown plants in the bed where they were planted. I'll know soon if that's what they are. I also have sorrel that is perennial. Another little known plant it is an early spring green. Sometimes I can pick it in the winter but now it is lovely. I used this for an omelette with the leeks and a red pepper the other day. Yummy goodness!

I have other herbs I grow for drying and making oils, tinctures, etc. Along with the comfrey I have feverfew, yarrow, lemon balm, calendula, lemon verbena, horehound and a variety of mints. I picked plantain which grows everywhere as a weed a few weeks ago for drying and making salve also - good for bug bites. I don't know how women managed to do so much years ago. Thank goodness I'm only part time and semi-retired because the gardening looks like it will require a big time commitment. 

 Leeks leftover after the winter

Last year's Azaleas in full bloom

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