Thursday, April 2, 2020

Crazy times call for crazy decisions

What a crazy time we are living in right now. Never could I have imagined in our age of modern medicine that our world could be shut down by a virus. This situation has caused many people to take a look around them at what is important, what is essential and what they can do without. Three months ago few people thought twice about where their food came from or worried about availability. America is the land of plenty after all. Now people are stockpiling food and essentials like the best doomsday prepper. What next? I pray for a quick resolution and lives to be spared. Until then America WAKE UP and follow recommendations. Please maintain safe distancing as directed (still don't like the term "social distancing"). 

It's hard to follow recommendations when the spring weather is calling all of us to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and warmer temperatures. Nothing says we can't do these things but we have to be careful in order to stop the spread of the virus. A simple thing would be to just open your windows and let fresh air and sunshine in your home. Take a walk staying away from public areas and anyplace large numbers are likely to still congregate. Clean off your porch or patio and sit outside reading a book, writing letters, cooking out or starting a container garden. In the spring there are plenty of rainy days. Use that time to clear out the clutter in your house or try new recipes. Focus on a healthier lifestyle. 

I have changed all my short term plans for retirement because of this virus and the situation it has created. Number one of which is ... I'm not. Retiring that is. With the economy in a slump, stocks dropped, no travel possible, etc I decided to continue working but I will be cutting my hours in half. It was such a big decision to retire and now at the end I'm backing out. Today was to have been my last day of work and I have been ambivalent about whether I'm making the right decision. I believe it's the right choice for me now though. Plenty of people retire only to find another part time job to help with expenses or other reasons. To me it just made more sense to keep the job I already know but reduce the hours. So in actuality I'm not fully retiring but I'm also not fully working either. This is the bright side for me. 

I will now have more time at home than at work to enjoy the things I've been planning to do. Confined to our home I have been doing my usual online research and shopping. I'm planning my garden and researching hiking and backpacking. These seem to be safe activities that I could enjoy right now. I'm researching how to be more historically accurate in my living history passion and updating my kits and clothing for this. I will eventually be able to participate in this activity again and hopefully will be better informed and prepared. I've gotten out most days to walk the dogs or take a short hike. Travel plans? Well, that's still up in the air or better stated - I'm still grounded. But planning the adventure is part of having the best experience. The time will come when we can fly the friendly skies again and I'll be ready to go. 

The other positive about not fully retiring at the present is that I will ease into living on less income than I'm used to. With my salary cut in half I will have to make adjustments same as if I were living on my planned retirement income. By the time I take down my shingle for good I will hopefully have a more accurate idea of what my minimum monthly budget will be. I've already been thinking longer and harder before making even simple purchases. Planning meals and shopping lists is the new normal also and one that should allow some savings each month.  

I'm not sure at this time how much longer I will be working. My financial adviser asked me this very question. My only response - time will tell. First will be adapting to a new budget and work schedule. If it fits then this part time option may continue for awhile. But I don't plan on work holding me back from all that I want to enjoy with my family and friends. If it is then it will be time. For now I will be embracing the change and I continue to look forward to the future. None of us can ever know what is in store for us around the corner. 

Stay healthy, stay safe and make wise choices. 

Hiking with family in Shawnee National Forest

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