Friday, March 20, 2020

Social distancing? - I don't think so!

We are all experiencing new and different times. For those of you like me who are on the verge of retiring it has certainly raised a lot of additional questions that others aren't thinking about. The markets have not been stable and travel plans are cancelled or postponed. I question if I should delay my retirement. Working in the healthcare field I wonder if I will be needed to care for patients or should I consider myself "high risk" and avoid work at this time? 

In my immediate area there are no documented cases of Covid-19 but it is getting nearer. Per the news media you cannot always tell if somebody is infected and contagious. It's a scary world out there right now. Still, I don't think mass panic and hoarding toilet paper is a good solution. The virus will spread across the country and affect a large number of the population. We can limit our risk by limiting contact with others as instructed. That being said I've been reevaluating and working on my immediate retirement goals. 

Cleaning out closets and reducing clutter, learning a language with Duolingo, catching up on scrapbooks, trying new recipes, working on my living history kit, reading, making soap, researching travel ideas and fine tuning my bucket list - all these things and more can be done at home. Nobody has said I have to be confined inside my home so I can go outside and garden, take a walk, enjoy the pool or other similar activities. Not all public areas are closed off to hiking and hopefully will remain open. Living in a rural area it seems easier to comply with "social distancing" while still being able to go outside my home. And there is always the internet which allows us to stay connected with friends and family instead of being totally isolated. 

So, with my glass still half full instead of half empty, I will be retiring as planned. I've talked with my retirement adviser and while there are never 100% assurances I am trusting that everything will work out. Ultimately it reverts back to my retirement priorities which are having quality time with family and having time to pursue all the things I love to do. So really, nothing has changed other than travel plans and there will be time for that too, just not now. 

Life is still wonderful. Say a prayer for those who are ill and look for opportunities to do something you wouldn't normally think of doing in our highly mobile, social world. You may find a new hobby or interest or find time to write a letter, connect with distant family or just learn to relax and be still in the moment. I really feel that they have mislabeled "social distancing" as we do not have to give up on being social with so many avenues to reach out to others without physical contact. It should be more appropriately termed "physical distancing" as that is really what is required. 

Take care, stay safe and consider the mandated "social distancing" as a gift instead of a curse. 

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