Saturday, February 1, 2020

The journey begins ...

Hi fellow retirees and retiree wannabes

I am about to embark on the adventure of retirement after 40 years of working. I turned 60 last year and had that moment of awareness that there was less time ahead than behind. My first step was to meet with a financial advisor to see if I could feasibly retire and accomplish everything I dreamed for retirement. Thankfully the answer was yes!

This blog is not about achieving financial security so that you can retire. There are numerous websites and videos out there for that. My only suggestion on this is to find a retirement planner that understands you and your goals and then research as much as time allows. Make that bucket list! In the end, trust that your financial advisor will have your personal goals in mind. If not, find another. Then, take a leap of faith.

This blog is about how to truly live a meaningful and enjoyable life after retiring.

One of the main things I plan to do initially in retirement is traveling. I want to get in as much traveling as possible as long as I physically can. To me it's all about making memories. I have to admit I am an internet search and YouTube addict. I love learning new things and studying the best methods. So I immediately turned to the internet for information on where, how, when, etc. I have to say I was disappointed that most of the travel blogs were geared toward a much younger audience. There were very few YouTube videos for seniors such as myself. And, let's face it, there are differences in how we travel. So my journey began with blogging and maybe eventually embarking into the realm of YouTube to bridge that gap.

Besides travel there are plenty of other topics of interest that I'd like to share including cooking, reading, camping, gardening and family life in general.

As a newbie to retirement (and to blogging) I don't have a wealth of experience to share - yet. But if you want to follow my adventures and misadventures as I navigate through unknown territory ahead I welcome you to come along on this ride with me and we can learn together how to live a happy, active life after retirement.

1 comment:

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