Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Decisions, decisions

I don't know about any of you but I never thought making the decision to retire from work would be so hard. For those of you that have done this already you probably understand. It really is like taking a leap of faith!

I always had it my mind that I would retire at 60. But as my birthday drew near I had no plans for how to do this. My work was going through some changes and I hated to add the burden of losing another employee to an already short staff. But I kept meeting up with old classmates that had been retired for a number of years or were planning to do so soon. I was green with envy. So I took the first step and made an appointment with a well recommended retirement planner. After a few short meetings I found that I really could retire and be reasonably confident I could have the retirement I dreamed of.

Good news! Now to set a date. Wow! It's hard to give up your salary and life as you know it.

I spent a few months or more stewing about should I retire or should I wait. Have I mentioned I have a hard time making decisions? I finally turned in my notice at work. And then I waivered, wondering if I should maybe just cut back my hours for a few years. About this time I met again with my retirement advisor. I mentioned I was thinking about going part time. His advice: Don't do it. He recommended I go for it. He suggested traveling and enjoying myself for a year without work and see how I felt then. Fortunately my nursing background would allow me to go back to work anytime if needed. Well, he's seen many people retire and spent time getting to know me. So I finally decided to trust and follow his advice.

After I accepted this decision I began to see just how great retirement was going to be. My husband had retired 3 years ago and bought an RV that we have barely had time to use. There are so many great road trips we have thought about and now need to begin planning.  I've also made plans for a reunion traveling with my high school girlfriends, a camping trip with my daughter's family, visiting my sister and her family and a trip to Ireland. Interspersed with all that traveling I will be glad to be home for the summer to spend time with my grandkids. I'm already getting a site ready to put in a small garden and I'd like to get in better shape by joining a yoga class and get back into hiking. Plus I promised the hubby I'd have time to golf with him again. Add in my volunteer activities and I will be one busy retiree. Not to worry. I'm planning time to relax too. 

Now I'm counting the days until April 2, my last day to work. No more wavering or second thoughts for me. My husband says one of my biggest challenges will be to stop expecting boxes from Amazon! I do expect to have to make some choices to insure my funds will last but I know I can do it.

Are you sitting on the fence and can't decide? Sometimes you just have to trust you can make it happen. For me it's all about priorities with time for my family and myself topping the list. I'm not getting younger and my grandkids are growing up fast. Time is more precious to me every day. Yes, it's scary making adjustments in my lifestyle but the rewards will be worth it.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. 
We have only today. Let us begin.” 
Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful posts and wonderful start to your new adventures!!


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